

Study Guide

Sudga and his heavenly kingdoms

Sudga, the false God of Vind‘yu and her heavens, whose heavenly kingdom contained more than three billion angels, said to himself on his way home from Hored: Two things I am resolved upon: to proclaim myself CREATOR AND RULER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH; and to change the name of my heavenly place and call it AHL-BURJ, THE MOUNTAIN OF THE CLOUDS.

Satan spoke to Sudga, saying: O all highest God, hear me. In the land of Vind‘yu, down on the earth; and in the heavens above the land of Vind‘yu; what God has labored like you? You did establish De‘yus, for nearly a thousand years in these regions. You possess by right that name, and you shall call yourself Dyaus967 and Sudga; and your heavenly place shall also be Hored, because, in truth, it is also a heavenly mountain.

Sudga said: Most wisely said, O satan.

And so it came to pass that Sudga at once went to work moving his capital and throne, and founding his new place. And he also chose twelve Lords, saying to himself, like Te-in did: Though I will have twelve Lords to rule over mortals, yet I will not give to any one of them a specific division of the earth to be his.

And when Sudga was thus founded in his new heavenly place he called his Lords to him and said to them: Go down to mortals, to T-loyovogna, who has a small kingdom in the valley of Hachchisatij, in Vind‘yu, for I will make him king of all the earth, even as I am ruler of heaven. And by obsessions and otherwise, you shall lead him forth to conquer and subdue.

Go ahead of him in his journeys, and cause mortals to fear him, so they may be easily overcome. Twelve million angels I allot to you as your army, nor shall you return into my presence until you have made T-loyovogna king of Vind‘yu. After that I shall bestow you according to merit.

The twelve Lords, with their twelve million angels of war, departed for the earth, and came to Varaja, the city where T-loyovogna lived and ruled, and they covered the surrounding regions, even beyond the Valley of Hachchisatij.

T-loyovogna was the son of Hucrava, who was the son of Han Cyavarat, who was the son of Aipivohu, sacred in su‘is to the Gods and Lords of heaven. So T-loyovogna talked with Sudga‘s chief Lord, who said to him: Behold, you shall proclaim yourself king of all the world; for I and the hosts of heaven are with you.

T-loyovogna said: Alas, mine is the weakest of kingdoms; I have less than a thousand soldiers. Other kings will laugh at me. But the Lord answered him, saying: What are mortal kings in the hands of Dyaus, he who was Sudga? I say to the nations of the earth: Go down! And they fall. I say: Rise up! And they rise. Man looks to stone, clay and water (i.e., corporeal things) for great power; but I who am unseen am greater than all the lands and waters of the earth, for I rule over them, and over heaven also.

I will have only one king on the earth; and as I rule the angels of heaven, even so shall you rule mortals, and establish you and me forever! For your heirs, and their heirs after them, shall have dominion over every kingdom and country in the world.

T-loyovogna said: I fear you, O Dyaus; I know your power. But how can a king go to war without soldiers? Or an army without arms?968 The Lord answered him: Send your proclamation to kings far and near, commanding them to bow down to you. And presently I will come to you and lead you forth, and you shall conquer and subdue them, and not a hair of your head shall be harmed.

T-loyovogna did as commanded; and some days after his proclamation had been sent to the nearest kings, all of whom knew him well, he mustered his army of seven hundred men and one hundred women. And those without spears, swords, scythes, or bows and arrows, took clubs, clappers, and pans, to make noise with, and others took lanterns.

The first city they approached was Abtuib, ruled over by Azhis, who had an army of four thousand men and one thousand women. When near the place, T-loyovogna sent his demand for the surrender of the city. Azhis did not answer him, but said to his army: Go surround the fool, and destroy him and his army.

Now, behold, the night came on, very dark, before the attack was made. And the Lord said to T-loyovogna: Command your soldiers to light their lamps. T-loyovogna said: I fear, O Lord, for will lamps not expose us to death? But the Lord said: Light the lamps! So when the lamps were lit the enemy began to march to surround them, some going one way and some the other.

And the Lord‘s angels made lights also, to the left and to the right, so that the enemy, in order to surround the lights, kept extending in two lines, away from each other. Presently, they judged by the lights that there were tens of thousands of soldiers come against them. Suddenly, now, T-loyovogna‘s army sounded their pans and kettles, and set up furious howls and screams; and at the same time the angels of heaven cast stars of light in the midst of Azhis‘ army, and they became panic-stricken and fled in all directions, except three hundred who were captured and put to death. Then T-loyovogna sent one hundred men into the city and captured Azhis and slew him. After this, T-loyovogna entered the city and declared the place his.

And while it was yet night, thousands and thousands of the people came and prostrated themselves before T-loyovogna, swearing allegiance. And in the morning of the next day he proclaimed himself king; and he impressed969 thirty thousand men to build a temple to Dyaus; and another twenty thousand to change the streets and otherwise beautify the place. In forty days the temple was completed, and was large enough for eight thousand souls to do sacrifice in at one time. T-loyovogna compelled the people to prostrate themselves on their bellies and pray to Dyaus, whose home was in Ahl-burj, a high heavenly place, a mountain above the mountains.

After this, T-loyovogna changed the name of the city to Savazata, signifying, first fireplace; and for governor to rule over it he appointed Vistaqpa, with the right to bequeath it to his son after him.

For Sudga had said: To concentrate power, this is the greatest. There shall be only one heavenly ruler, and his Lords shall be his helpmates. Likewise there shall be only one king, and his governors shall be his helpmates in the same manner.

T-loyovogna then marched forward, to conquer and subdue another city; which he accomplished also, changing its name, appointing a governor, and making all the people swear allegiance to himself as king, and to Sudga, the Dyaus, as heavenly ruler, creator of worlds.

In this way, even as Kan Kwan in Jaffeth did, T-loyovogna proceeded throughout Vind‘yu, from city to city, conquering and subduing. For, the Gods, Te-in and Sudga, previously had often conferred together on this subject, and had long experience in manipulating mortals in their games of life and death, nor did mortals mistrust the power above them.

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